

         楊曉燕,現任77779193永利教授、博士生導師、校學術委員、美國《Math.Review》評論員。2019.01--2020.1在美國猶他大學訪問學習。主要研究方向是環的同調理論,已完成SCI學術論文近40篇。入選2013年度教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計劃”;入選甘肅省第三批“飛天學者特聘計劃”青年學者;入選2020年隴原青年創新創業人才個人項目。主持完成青年科學基金和地區科學基金項目各1項;承擔地區科學基金項目1項;主持完成中國博士後科學基金項目1項;參與國家自然科學基金項目3項(排名分别為第三、第二、第二);主持77779193永利青年教師科研能力提升計劃創新團隊項目1項。作為牽頭人,獲甘肅省高校科技進步二等獎2次,一等獎1次; 作為第一參與人,獲甘肅省自然科學三等獎1次。 


[1]Yang Xiaoyan and Liu Zhongkui, Strongly Gorenstein projective, injective and flat modules, Journal of Algebra, 320 (2008) 2659–2674. 
[2]Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, Left APP-property of formal power series rings, Archivum Mathematicum (Brno), 44 (2008) 185-189. 
[3]Yang Xiaoyan and Liu Zhongkui, Gorenstein projective, injective and flat modules, J. Aust. Math. Soc., 87 (2009) 395-407. 
[4]Yang Xiaoyan and Liu Zhongkui, FP-injective complexes, Comm. Algebra, 38 (2010) 131-142. 
[5]Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, On annihilator ideals of skew monoid rings, Glasgow Math. J., 52 (2010) 161-168. 
[6]Yang Xiaoyan and Liu Zhongkui, C-Gorenstein projective, injective and flat modules, Czechoslovak Math. J., 60 (2010) 1109-1129. 
[7]Yang Xiaoyan and Liu Zhongkui, D-Gorenstein projective, injective and flat modules, Algebra Colloq., 18 (2011) 273-288. 
[8]Yang Xiaoyan and Liu Zhongkui, n-flat and n-FP injective modules, Czechoslovak Math. J., 61 (2011) 359-369. 
[9]Yang Xiaoyan and Liu Zhongkui, Gorenstein projective, injective and flat complexes, Comm. Algebra 39 (2011) 1705-1721. 
[10]Di Zhenxing and Yang Xiaoyan, Transfer properties of Gorenstein homological dimension with respect to a semidualizing module,J. Korean Math. Soc. 49 (2012)1197-1214. 
[11]Yang Xiaoyan and Liu zhongkui, V-Gorenstein projective, injective and flat modules, Rocky Mt. J. Math., 42 (2012) 2075-2098. 
[12]Yang Xiaoyan and Liu ZHongkui, DG-projective, injective and flat complexes, Algebra Colloq. 20 (2013) 155-162. 
[13]Yang Xiaoyan and Zhao Jianlian, Gorenstein flat and cotorsion dimensions of unbounded complexes, Comm. Algebra 41 (2013) 2978-2990. 
[14]Yang Xiaoyan, Notes on proper class of triangles, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 29 (2013) 2137-2154. 
[15]Yang Xiaoyan, Covers and preenvelopes by V-Gorenstein flat modules, Turk. J. Math., 38 (2014) 819-832. 
[16]Yang Xiaoyan and Ding Nanqing, The homotopy category and derived category of N-complexes, J. Algebra 426 (2015) 430–476. 
[17]Yang Xiaoyan, Model structures on triangulated categories, Glasgow Math. J. 57 (2015) 263–284. 
[18]Yang Xiaoyan and Liu Zhongkui, On nonnil-noetherian rings, Southeast Asian Bull. Math., 33 (2009) 1215-1223. 
[19]Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, Triangular matrix representations of skew monoid rings, Math. J. Okayama Univ., 52 (2010) 97-109. 
[20]Yang Xiaoyan and Liu Zhongkui, FP-gr-injective modules, Math. J. Okayama Univ., 53 (2011) 83-100. 
[21]Yang Xiaoyan, Gorenstein homological dimensions and change of rings, Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, 32 (2012) 571-581. 
[22]Yang Xiaoyan, Covers and preenvelopes by V-Gorenstein flat modules, Turk. J. Math. 38 (2014) 819-832. 
[23]Yang Xiaoyan, n-strongly Gorenstein projective and injective and flat modules, Chin. Quart. J. Math. 29 (2014) 553-564. 
[24]Yang Xiaoyan and Ding Nanqing, The homotopy category and derived category of N-complexes, J. Algebra 426 (2015) 430–476. 
[25]Yang Xiaoyan, Model structures on triangulated categories, Glasgow Math. J. 57 (2015) 263–284. 
[26]Yang Xiaoyan and Wang Junpeng, The existence of homotopy resolutions of N-complexes, Homology, Homotopy Appl. 17 (2015) 291–316. 
[27]Yang Xiaoyan and Ding Nanqing, On a question of Gillespie, Forum Math. 27 (2015) 3205–3231. 
[28]Yang Xiaoyan, Gorenstein categories G(X ,Y ,Z ) and dimensions, Rocky Mt. J. Math. 45 (2015) 2043-2064. 
[29]Yang Xiaoyan, W-resolutions and Gorenstein categories with respect to a semidualizing, J. Korean Math. Soc. 53 (2016) 1-17. 
[30]Liu Yanping, Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, Depth for triangulated categories, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 53 (2016) 551–559. 

[31] Liu Yanping, Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, Vanishing of Tate homology — an application of stable homology for complexes, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series  32 (2016) 831–844.

[32] Yang Xiaoyan,Wang Zhicheng, Proper resolutions and Gorensteinness in triangulated categories, Rocky Mt. J. Math. 47 (2017) 1013-1053.

[33] Yang Xiaoyan, Chen Wenjing, Relative homological dimensions and Tate

cohomology of complexes with respect to cotorsion pairs, Comm. Algebra 45 (2017) 2875–2888. 

[34] Yang Xiaoyan, Cao Tianya, Cotorsion Pairs in CN(A ), Algebra Colloq. 24 (2017) 577-602.

[35] Liu Yanping, Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, Complete flat resolutions, Tate homology and the depth formula, Kodai Math. J. 40 (2017) 1–15.

[36] Chen Wenjing, Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, Singularity Categories with Respect to Ding Projective Modules, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 33 (2017) 793–806.

[37] Wang Chao and Yang Xiaoyan, (Strongly) Gorenstein injective modules over upper triangular matrix Artin algebras, Czechoslovak Math. J. 67 (2017) 1031-1048.

[38]Zhenxing Di, Zhongkui Liu, Xiaoyan Yang, Xiaoxiang Zhang, Triangulated equivalence between a homotopy category and a triangulated quotient category, J. Algebra 506(2018)297-321.

[39] Chen Wenjing, Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, Compactly generated triangulated subcategories of homotopy categories induced by cotorsion pairs, Journal of Algebra and Its ApplicationsVol. 17 (10) (2018) 1850180 (14 pages).

[40] Chen Wenjing, Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, Recollements associated to cotorsion pairs, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 17 (1) (2018) 11850141 (15 pages).

[41] Zhang Wanru, Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, Foxby equivalences associated to strongly Gorenstein modules, Kodai Math. J. 41 (2018) 397–412.

[42] Zhang Wanru, Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, Foxby equivalences associated to Gorenstein categories G(X,Y,Z), Comm. Algebra 46 (2018) 4042–4051. 

[43] Cao Tianya, Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, Derived category with respect to Gorenstein AC-projective modules, Kodai Math. J. 41 (2018) 579–590.

[44] 汪軍鵬,劉仲奎,楊曉燕, Gillespie 所提出一個問題的否定回答, 48 (2018) 1121–1130.

[45] Xie Zongyang,Yang Xiaoyan, The homotopy ctegories of N-complexes of injectives and projectives, J. Korean Math. Soc. 56 (2019) 623-644.

[46] Chen Wenjing, Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, A new method to construct model structures from a cotorsion pair, Comm. Algebra 47(2019) 4420-4431.

[47] 曹天涯,劉仲奎,楊曉燕, 純奇點範疇中的Buchweitz定理, 數學學報4(2019)553-560.

[48] Yang Xiaoyan, Rao Yanping, Depth and amplitude for DG-modules, Comm. Algebra 48 (2020) 2051-2064

[49] Yang Xiaoyan,Wang Li, Homological invariants over non-positive DG-rings, Journal of Algebra and Its ApplicationsVol. 19 (10) (2020) 1850180 (18 pages).

[50] 陳文靜,劉仲奎,楊曉燕, 相對于 G(X ) 的導出範疇, 50 (2020) 1121–1130.


[3]劉仲奎、趙仁育、楊曉燕、王占平、張文彙、張春霞,複形範疇中的Gorenstein同調維數,國家自然科學基金項目,批準号:10961021, 2010.01—2012.12。 
[4]楊曉燕、劉仲奎、趙仁育、張翠萍,同倫範疇的recollement、餘(t)-結構和同調維數理論, 國家自然科學基金項目,批準号:10361051,2014.01—2017.12。 
[5]楊曉燕,Grothendieck範疇中複形的同調維數,中國博士後科學基金項目,批準号:BK201106,8 2011.09—2014.02。 
[6]楊曉燕,新世紀優秀人才支持計劃, 教育部,批準号:NCET-13-0957,2014.01—2016.12。 
[7]國家自然科學基金項目:廣義幂級數環理論研究,起止年月:2014.1—2017.12 (參與)。 

[8] 楊曉燕, 入選甘肅省第三批“飛天學者特聘計劃”青年學者。

[9] 楊曉燕,“三角範疇的支撐和餘支撐”入選隴原青年創新創業人才個人項目,2020.03—2021.02。

[10] 楊曉燕,張翠萍,武斌, 微分分次範疇的同調維數、recollements和Morita理論, 國家自然科學基金項目,批準号:11761060, 2018.01—2021.12。

[11] 楊曉燕,任偉,王占平,趙仁育,狄振興,張文彙,張翠萍,環的同調理論,77779193永利青年教師科研能力提升計劃創新團隊項目,批準号: NWNU-LKQN-16-5 2017.01—2019.12。


[2]楊曉燕、吳德軍、劉仲奎、趙仁育、楊剛、王占平, Gorenstein同調複形及餘撓理論, 甘肅省科技廳,甘肅省高校科技進步獎,二等獎,2012。 
[4]楊曉燕、趙仁育、王占平、喬虎生、任偉,複形的 Gorenstein同調維數及Ding導出範疇, 甘肅省科技廳,甘肅省高校科技進步獎,一等獎,2014。


