


     師海忠(Haizhong Shi),男,甘肅臨洮人,運籌學與控制論專業理學博士,教授。





一 互連網絡的模型與結構
d)(n, k) – 多部星網絡
e)(n, k) – 多部冒泡排序網絡
f)(n, k) – 多部修正冒泡排序網絡

二 開創的研究方向
1 (V, R) – 半群
1.1 圖半群理論及應用
1.1.1 互連網絡半群
1.1.2 複雜網絡半群
1.1.3 互聯網(Internet)半群
1.2 有向圖半群理論及應用
1.3 超圖半群理論及應用
1.4 随機圖半群理論及應用
1.5 (V,R)-半群理論及應用
2  (V,R)-語言
2.1 無向圖語言
2.2 有向圖語言
2.3 超圖語言
2.4 随機圖語言
2.5 (V,R)-語言
3 自然語言的有向圖模型
3.1 單詞有向圖
3.2 句子有向圖
3.3 段落有向圖
3.4 文章有向圖
4 正則圖連通圈網絡理論及應用
5 環圖理論及應用
6 向量圖和有向向量圖理論及應用
7 細胞分裂生長圖理論及應用

三 提出的猜想(部分
1 關于超級計算機互連網絡的猜想
猜想 設G=(V,E)是具有頂點集V={1,2,…,n}(n>2)和m條邊的連通圖。如果m=2r,則由G生成的Cayley圖是邊不交的k(0<=k<=r)個Hamilton圈和m-2k個完美對集的并;如果m=2r+1,則由G生成的Cayley圖是邊不交的k(0<=k<=r)個Hamilton圈和m-2k個完美對集的并。
2 關于(V,R)-半群與(V,R)-語言的猜想
猜想1.1:每個頂點數大于2的圖半群都是可重構的。猜想1.2:每個頂點數大于2的無向圖語言都是可重構的。 重構猜想:每個頂點數大于2的圖都是可重構的。以上三個猜想是相互等價的。
猜想4.1: 每個連通圖半群的邊集均為最多(v+1)/2(取整)個邊不重路半群的邊集的并。
猜想4.2: 每個連通無向圖語言的邊集均為最多(v+1)/2(取整)個邊不重無向路語言的邊集的并。
猜想5.1: 每個2邊連通的簡單圖半群的邊集均為v-1個圈半群的邊集的并集。猜想5.2: 每個2邊連通的無向簡單圖語言的邊集均為v-1個無向圈語言的邊集的并集。
問題7.1: 設f(n)是有n個頂點的不含有3正則子圖半群的簡單圖半群的最大可能邊數,确定f(n). 問題 7.2: 設f(n)是有n個頂點的不含有3正則無向子圖語言的簡單無向圖語言的最大可能邊數,确定f(n).

四 解決的問題(部分)
1 師海忠等證明
Representtative scientifitic research achievement
1 Models and structures of interconnection networks
1.1Models designed for interconnection networks of supercomputer
a)A ring-theoritic model for interconnection networks
b)A vector graph model for interconnection networks
c)Regular graph connected cycle: A unity model of many interconnection networks
d)New model for interconnection network: Multipartite group-theoretic model
e)A hierarchical ring group-theoretic model for interconnection network
f)A new model for interconnection network: k-hierarchical ring and r-layer graph networks
g)Cell-breeding graph model for interconnection network
1.2Classical structures designed for interconnection nework
a)Crossed cube connected cycle networks
b)Mobius cube connected cycle networks
c)Folded hypercube connected cycle networks
d)(n,k)-multipartite star networks
e)(n,k)-multipartite bubblesort networks
f)(n,k)-multipartite modified bubblesort networks
2Developed research fields
2.1.1 Graph semigroup theory with applications Interconnection network semigroup Complex network semigroup Internet semigroup
2.1.2 Digraph semigroup theory with applications
2.1.3 Hypergraph semigroup theory with applications
2.1.4 Random graph semigroup theory with applications
2.1.5 (V,R)-semigoup theory with applications
2.2 (V,R)-language
2.2.1 Undirected graph language
2.2.2 Digraph language
2.2.3 Hypergraph language
2.2.4 Random language
2.2.5 (V,R)-language
2.3 Digraph models for nature languages
2.3.1 Word digraph
2.3.2 Sentence digraph
2.3.3 Passage digraph
2.3.4 Article digraph
2.4 Regular graph connected cycle network theory with applications
2.5 Ring graph theory with applications
2.6 Vector graph and vector digraph theory with applications
2.7 Cell-breeding graph theory with applications
3 Proposed conjectures
3.1 Proposed conjecture for interconnection network
Conjecture Let G=(V,E) be a connected graph with node set {1,2,…,n} (n>2) and m edges. If m=2r, then the Cayley graph generated by G is the union of k (0<=k<=r) edge-disjoint Hamiltonian cycles and m-2k perfected matchings; if m=2r+1, then the Cayley graph generated by G is the union of k (0<=k<=r) edge-disjoint Hamiltonian cycles and m-2k perfected matchings.
3.2 Proposed conjectures for (V,R)-semigoup and (V,R)-language
Conjecture 1.1: every graph-semigroup with v>2 is reconstructible.
Conjecture 1.2: every undirected graph language with v>2 is reconstructible. Conjecture1.1, Conjecture1.2 and Reconstruction conjecture are equivalent.
Conjecture 2.1: Every 4-regular simple graph-semigroup contains a 3-regular subgraph-semigroup.
Conjecture 2.2: Every 4-regular simple undirected graph language contains a 3-regular undirected subgraph language.
Conjecture 3.1: If k>2, then there exists no graph-semigroup with the property that every pair nodes is connected by a unique path element of length k.
Conjecture 3.2: If k>2, then there exists no undirected graph language with the property that every pair nodes is connected by a unique path word of length k.
Conjecture 4.1: The edge set of every connected graph-semigroup is the union of at most (v+1)/2 (integer) edge sets of edge-disjoint path-semigroups.
Conjecture 4.2: The edge set of every undirected connected graph language is the union of at most (v+1)/2 (integer) edge sets of edge-disjoint undirected path languages.
Conjecture 5.1: The edge set of every 2-edge-connected simple graph-semigroup is the union of v-1 edge sets of cycle-semigroups.
Conjecture 5.2: The edge set of every undirected 2-edge-connected simple graph language is the union of v-1 edge sets of undirected cycle languages.
Conjecture 6.1: If graph-semigroup is a simple block semigroup with at least v/2+k vertices of degree at least k, then the graph-semigroup has a cycle element of length at least 2k.
Conjecture 6.2: If undirected graph language is a simple block language with at least v/2+k vertices of degree at least k, then the undirected graph language has a cycle word of length at least 2k.
Problem 7.1: Let f(n) be the maximum possible number of edges in a simple graph-semigroup on n vertices which contains no 3-regular subgraph semigroup. Determine f(n).
Problem 7.2: Let f(n) be the maximum possible number of edges in a simple undirected graph language on n vertices which contains no 3-regular undirected subgraph language. Determine f(n).
Conjecture 8.1: A simple graph-semigroup with |E|>|V|(k-1)/2 must contains every tree semigroup with k edges, where |E| and |V| are number of vertices and number of edges of the graph-semigroup.
Conjecture 8.2: A simple undirected graph language with |E|>|V|(k-1)/2 must contains every undirected tree languages with k edges, where |E| and |V| are number of vertices and number of edges of the undirected graph language.
4 Solved problems
4.1 Haizhong Shi, etc, proved:
a) Any nature language is a digraph language;
b) Any Digraph language is a regular language;
c) Any nature language is a regular language;
d) English, Chinese, etc, are all regular languages
4.2 In paper “A new model for interconnection network: Multipartite group-theoretic model”, Haizhong Shi solved the problem: how to improve the scalability of certain interconnection networks, such as star netwrok, etc.?
4.3 Establish digraph models of Nature languages
