韓  琦老師簡介




地    址: 甘肅省蘭州市安甯區安甯東路967号  郵編:730070           

辦公地點: 77779193永利緻勤樓C302室                                 




  1. 圖上的量子随機行走(62261049),國家自然科學基金地區基金,2023,01,01-2026,12,


[2]圖上的量子随機行走與量子計算20JR10RA085),甘肅省自然科學基金,2021,02,01- 2023,01,31主持



[5]量子随機遊蕩與量子Bernoulli噪聲(11861057),國家自然科學基金地區基金, 2019,01,01-2022,12-31,參與

[6]基于離散時間正規鞅泛函的量子随機分析模型及其應用(11461061)國家自然科學基金地區基金, 2015,01,01-2018,12,31,參與

[7]基于保單進入過程的風險系統的建構與應用研究(71261023),國家自然科學基金地區基金, 2013,01,01-2016,12,31,參與
























[1]Han, Qi (韓琦), Kou, Yaxin (寇亞欣),Bai, Ning (白甯), Wang, Huan(王歡)(2022). The continuous-time quantum walk on some graphs based on the view of quantum probability. International Journal of Quantum Information, 20(6), 2250015.

[2]Han, Qi(韓琦), Chen, Zhihe(陳芷禾), Lu, Ziqiang(陸自強)(2022). Quantum entropy in terms of local quantum Bernoulli noises and related properties. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 51(12), 4210–4220.

[3] 韓琦, 寇亞欣, 韓娅楠, 陸自強(2022). 随機變量的量子分解和增長圖的漸進譜分布.數學學報(中文版), 65(4), 657-664.

[4] Han, Qi(韓琦), Bai, Ning(白甯), Kou, Yaxin(寇亞欣), Wang, Huan(王歡)(2022). Three-state quantum walks on cycles. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 36(15), 1-14.

[5] Han, Qi(韓琦), Bai, Ning(白甯), Wang, Huan(王歡), Kou, Yaxin寇亞欣(2022). Mixing times of three-state quantum walks on cycles. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 36(16), 1-10.

[6]Han, Qi (韓琦), Kou, Yaxin (寇亞欣),Bai, Ning (白甯), Wang, Huan(王歡)(2022). The continuous-time quantum walk on some graphs based on the view of quantum probability.International Journal of Quantum Information, 20(6), 2250015.

[7]Han, Qi(韓琦), Han,Yanan(韓娅楠),Kou, Yaxin (寇亞欣)(2021). Quantum mutual entropy in terms of local quantum Bernoulli noises. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 52(3), 515522.

[8]Han, Qi(韓琦), Bai, Ning(白甯), Kou, Yaxin寇亞欣, Wang, Huan(王歡)(2022). Three-state quantum walks on cycles. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 36(15), 1-14.

[9]Han, Qi(韓琦), Bai, Ning(白甯), Wang, Huan(王歡), Kou, Yaxin寇亞欣(2022). Mixing

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[10]Han,Qi(韓琦),Han,Yanan(韓娅楠),Kou,Yaxin(寇亞欣)(2022).Quantum channel measurement with local quantum Bernoulli noises.scientificreports, 12:12929 ,1-7

[11]Han, Qi (韓琦), Bai, Ning (白甯),Gou, Lijie(苟立潔), Wang, Shuai(王帥), Zhang, Rong(張蓉)(2023). Two-particle quantum walk on graphene structure graph.Physics LettersA, 129257,1-8.

[12]Han, Qi (韓琦), Bai, Ning (白甯),Wang, Huan(王歡), Gou, Lijie(苟立潔), Wang, Shuai(王帥)(2023). The hitting time of quantum walk on two-dimensional lattice. International Journal of Quantum Information, https://doi.org/ 10.1142/S0219749923500417.

[13]Han, Qi (韓琦), Wang, Shuai(王帥), Gou, Lijie(苟立潔), Zhang, Rong(張蓉) (2023). Quantum conditional entropy based on local quantum Bernoulli noises. Reviews in Mathematical Physics, https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129055X2350037X.

[14]Han, Qi (韓琦), Bai, Ning (白甯),Wang, Huan(王歡), Gou, Lijie(苟立潔), Wang, Shuai(王帥)(2023). Quantum walks on N-cycles with an absorbing wall. Modern Physics Letters B, https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217984923501385.

[16]Han, Qi (韓琦), Wang, Meng(王猛)(2023). Pricing of Basket CDS with Bilateral Default Risk under Vasicek Model with Circular Contagion.Mathematical Problems in Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/8960259.

[17]Han, Qi (韓琦), Kou, Yaxin (寇亞欣),Wang, Huan(王歡), Bai, Ning (白甯)(2023). An investigation of continuous-time quantum walk on hypercube in view of Cartesian product structure. International Journal of Quantum Information21(3), 1-12.

[18]Han, Qi (韓琦), Wang, Huan(王歡), Kou, Yaxin (寇亞欣), Bai, Ning (白甯) (2023). 相互作用 Fock 空間中的離散時間量子 Bernoulli 噪聲. 數學學報(中文版), 66(5), 1-8.

[19]Han, Qi (韓琦), Han, Yanan(韓娅楠), Bai, Ning (白甯), Kou, Yaxin (寇亞欣) (2023). 高維系統中混合量子态的不可擴展乘積基. 數學物理學報, 43A(2), 1-7.

[20]Han,Qi(韓琦)Wang,Huan(王歡)2024.Dynamical evolution of the two-qubit system with Ising spin-chain environmentAIP Advances 143,1-13.

[21]Han,Qi(韓琦)Wang,Huan(王歡)2024.Dynamics of quantum coherence and correlations in a transverse Ising spin chain environment,International Journal of Modern Physics B (2024) 2450414,1-13.


[23]Han,Qi(韓琦),Chen,Zhihe(陳芷禾),Yin,Shide(殷世德),Lu,Ziqiang(陸自強)(2021).The Related Properties of Quantum Walk on the Finite graphs,應用概率統計,36(4),365-380.

[24]Han,Qi(韓琦),Lu,Ziqiang(陸自強),Han,Yanan(韓娅楠)Chen,Zhihe(陳芷禾)(2022). Discrete-time Quantum Random Walks on the N-ary Tree,應用概率統計,38(1),86-98.


[26]Han,Qi(韓琦)Gou,Lijie(苟立潔)Wang,Shuai(王帥)Zhang,Rong(張蓉)(2024). Construction of three-dimensional version of the amplitude damping channel,Quantum Information Processing ,accepted.

[27]Han, Qi (韓琦), Bai, Ning (白甯),Wang,Shuai(王帥)Gou,Lijie(苟立潔)Zhang,Rong(張蓉)(2024).Quantum walk of two non-interacting particles on a 2D latticeEurophysics Letters(EPL),DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/ad3052.

[28]Han, Qi (韓琦), Xia,Xinzhou(夏鑫洲)2024),基于MCMC的利率随機波動率分析山東大學學報(理學版),59(5),1-9.

[29]Han, Qi (韓琦),Lu,Ziqiang(陸自強)Han,Yanan(韓娅楠)2021.Related Properties of Quantum MeasurementsScholars Journal of Physics, Mathematics andStatistics,8(3),126-130.

[30]Han, Qi (韓琦),Han,Yanan(韓娅楠),Lu,Ziqiang(陸自強)Kou,Yaxin (寇亞欣)(2021).Several Remarks on Grover's Quantum Search Algorithm with a Single Marked Element,Scholars Journal of Physics, Mathematics and Statistics,8(4),62-67.



[1]用數學計算證明“上帝”的存在, https://www.sohu.com/a/758469229_348129

[2]科學家發現光與磁之間的突破性聯系, https://www.sohu.com/a/757959224_348129

[3]物理世界似乎被數學精确地描述, https://www.sohu.com/a/747482232_348129


[5]為何電子不是圍繞原子核轉圈而是概率分布,https://www.sohu.com/a/741550 514_348129

[6]量子突破---實現勞夫, https://www.sohu.com/a/693339217_348129




[10]量子物理學家如何打破敏感度的界限, https://www.sohu.com/a/672834228_348129











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