


1 Existence of strong solutions for a class of semilinear evolution equations with nonlocal initial conditions 陳鵬玉,李永祥,範紅霞 ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 2012,79

2 Positive solutions of the second-order differential systems in reactor dynamics 陳瑞鵬,馬如雲 APPL MATH. COMPUT. 2012,219(8)

3 Positive periodic solutions of first-order singular systems 陳瑞鵬,馬如雲,何志乾 APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION 2012,218

4 基于Fibonacci的WiMAX動态帶寬調度 陳媛媛,馮慧芳 計算機工程 2012,38(6)

5 Transfer properties of Gorenstein homological dimension with respect to a semidualizing module 狄振興,楊曉燕 J. KOREAN MATH. SOC. 2012,49(6)

6 Convolution of Functionals of Discrete-Time Normal Martingales 韓琦,王才士,周玉蘭 BULLETIN OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 2012, 86

7 Global behavior for a diffusive predator-prey model with one resource and two consumers 焦玉娟,伏升茂 ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS 2012

8 On the existence of positive periodic solutions for second-order functional differential equations with multiple delays 李強,李永祥 ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS 2012

9 Positive solutions for Neumann boundary value problems of second order impulsive differential equations in Banach spaces 劉曉娅,李永祥 ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS 2012

10 IFP-Flat Dimensions And IFP-Injective Dimensions 盧博,劉仲奎 ACTA MATHEMATICA SCIENTIA 2012,32(6)

11 IFP-Flat Modules And IFP-Injective Modules 盧博,劉仲奎 COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA 2012,40(2)

12 On positive periodic solutions of second-order difference equations with attractive-repulsive singularities 路豔瓊,馬如雲 ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 2012,186

13 Periodic boundary value problems for semilinear fractional differential equations 慕嘉,李永祥 MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING 2012

14 基于張量的半監督判别分析算法 桑鳳娟,張貴倉 計算機工程 2012,38(20)

15 Effect of cross diffusion in a competition model with stage structure 張麗娜,伏升茂,胡萍 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMATHEMATICS 2012,5(6)

16 A proof to the odd-gracefulness of all lobsters 周向前,姚兵,陳祥恩,陶海霞 ARS COMBINATORIA 2012,103

17 Genetic algorithm optimization for determining fuzzy measures from fuzzy data 陳莉,鞏增泰,段剛 JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2013

18 Nonlocal problem for fractional evolution equations of mixed type with the measure of noncompactness 陳鵬玉,李永祥 ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS  2013

19 Monotone Iterative Technique for a Class of Semilinear Evolution Equations with Nonlocal Conditions 陳鵬玉,李永祥 RESULTS IN MATHEMATICS 2013, 63(3-4)

20 Perturbation method for nonlocal impulsive evolution equations 陳鵬玉,李永祥,楊和 NONLINEAR ANALYSIS 2013.99.12.31       

21 Perturbation method for nonlocal impulsive evolution equations 陳鵬玉,李永祥,楊和 NONLINEAR ANALYSIS: HYBRID SYSTEMS 2013, 8(1)

22 Global bifurcation of positive radial solutions for an elliptic system in reactor dynamics 陳瑞鵬,馬如雲 COMPUT. MATH. APPL. 2013,65(8)

23 對稱核主成分分析及其在人臉識别中的應用 何振學,張貴倉,谯鈞,楊林英 計算機工程 2013,39(3)

24 Global stability of the virus dynamics model with intracellular delay and Crowley–Martin functional response 李曉娟,伏升茂 MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES 2013

25 針對 WSN 流密碼加密方案的代數攻擊及改進 李旭,杜小妮,張記,王彩芬 計算機工程 2013,39(3)

26 Unilateral global bifurcation for p-Laplacian with singular weight 廖昕,代國偉 JOURNAL OF INEQUALITIES AND APPLICATIONS 2013,577

27 Numerical solution of fully fuzzy linear matrix equations 劉坤,鞏增泰 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 2013,15(6)

28 Relative injectivity and flatness of complexes 盧博,劉仲奎 KODAI MATH. J. 2013,36(2)

29 Reverse-Order Lower and Upper Functions for Periodic Problems of Second-Order Singular Difference Equations 路豔瓊,馬如雲 ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS 2013

30 On the adjacent vertex distinguishing proper edge colorings of several classes of complete 5-partite graphs 馬春燕,陳祥恩,楊芳,姚兵 APPLIED MECHANICS AND MATERIALS 2013, Vols. 333-335

31 Attractors for Stochastic Strongly Damped Plate Equations with Additive Noise, Electron 馬文君,馬巧珍 ELECTRON.J.DIFF.EQU. 2013, 111

32 Cotorsion dimension of unbounded complexes 任偉,劉仲奎 COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA 2013,41

33 Derived categories with respect to Ding modules 任偉,劉仲奎,楊剛 JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS 2013,12(6)

34 Weighted estimates for commutators of n-dimensional rough Hardy operators 任轉喜,陶雙平 JOURNAL OF FUNCTION SPACES AND APPLICATIONS 2013

35 Labelling Properties Of Models Related with Complex Networks Based On Constructible Structures 王宏宇,姚兵,楊超, 楊思華,陳祥恩 ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH 2013,Vols 765-767

36 Edge-Magic Total Labellings Of Some Network Models 王宏宇,姚兵,楊超, 楊思華,陳祥恩,姚明,趙振學 APPLIED MECHANICS AND MATERIALS 2013,Vols 347-350

37 Boundedness for Parametrized Litttlewood-Paley Operators with Rough Kernels on Weighted Weak Hardy Spaces 魏喜梅,陶雙平 ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS 2013

38 On restricted injective dimensions of complexes 吳德軍,劉仲奎 COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA 2013,41

39 Ding Projective and Ding Injective Modules 楊剛,劉仲奎,梁力 ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM 2013,20(4)

40 Model structures on categories of complexes over Ding-Chen rings 楊剛,劉仲奎,梁力 COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA 2013,41

41 Every lobster is odd-elegant 周向前,姚兵,陳祥恩 INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS 2013.11.1

42 Every Lobster Is Odd-elegant 周向前,姚兵,陳祥恩 INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS  2013,113

43 The existence of positive solutions for boundary value problem of nonlinear fractional differential equations. 陳豔麗,李永祥 ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS 2014

44 分歧理論及其應用 代國偉,馬如雲 科學出版社 2014

45 Analyticity and exponential stability of semigroups for the elastic systems with structural damping in Banach spaces 範虹霞,李永祥 J. MATH. ANAL. APPL. 2014,410 (1)

46 On a System Modelling a Population with Two Age Groups 高紅亮,馬如雲 ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS 2014

47 Itô formula for one-dimensional continuous-time quantum random walk 康元寶,王才士 PHYSICA A 2014, 414(15)

48 Asymptotic spectral distributions of Manhattan products of  康元寶,王才士 QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING 2014,13(11)

49 Quantum random walk polynomial and quantum random walk measure 康元寶,王才士 QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING 2014,13(5)

50 The existence and multiplicity of positive periodic solutions for second-order functional differential equations with infinite delay 李強,李永祥 ELEC. J. DIFF. EQUS 2014,93

51 Existence of positive solutions for an elastic beam equation with nonlinear boundary conditions 劉瑞寬,馬如雲 JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2014

52 Existence of Positive Solutions for Second-Order Neumann Difference System 路豔瓊,馬如雲 JOURNAL OF FUNCTION SPACES 2014

53 Global structure of positive solutions for Second order difference equation with nonlinear boundary value condition 路豔瓊,馬如雲 ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 2014, 188

54 Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for one-dimension prescribed mean curvature equations 路豔瓊,馬如雲,高紅亮 BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS 2014, 120

55 A Quillen model structure approach to homological dimensions of complexes 任偉,劉仲奎 JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS 2014,13(3)

56 Balance of Tate homomology in triangulated categories 任偉,劉仲奎 APPL. CATEGOR STRUCTURES 2014

57 Gorenstein homological dimensions for triangulated categories 任偉,劉仲奎 JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA 2014,410

58 Generalized Edge-Magic Total Labellings Of Models from researching Networks 王宏宇,姚兵,姚明 INFORMATION SCIENCES 2014, 279

59 Boundedness of Littlewood-Paley operators and their commutators on Herz-Morrey spaces with variable exponent 王麗娟,陶雙平 JOURNAL OF INEQUALITIES AND APPLICATIONS 2014,227

60 On the vertex-distinguishing proper edge coloring of composition of complete graph and star 楊芳,陳祥恩,馬春燕 INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS 2014.114.4

61 A relaxed splitting preconditioner for generalized saddle point problems 曹陽,缪樹鑫 COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS  2015:34(3)

62 Unilateral global bifurcation for p-Laplacian with non-p−1-linearization nonlinearity 代國偉,馬如雲 DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 2015, 35(1)

63 Partial differential equations with robin boundary condition in online social networks 代國偉,馬如雲,王海燕 DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS SERIES B 2015,20(6)

64 Multiple positive solutions for a class of Neumann problems 高紅亮,馬如雲 ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE THEORY OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 2015,48

65 Total vertex irregularity strength of certain equitable complete m-partite graphs 郭靖,陳祥恩,王治文,姚兵 ARS COMBINATORIA 2015,123

66 Quantum Stochastic Integral Representations on Interacting Fock Space 康元寶,王才士 JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PROBABILITY 2015,28(3)

67 An Inverse Diffraction Problem: Shape Reconstruction 孔豔鳳,李振平,熊向團 EAST ASIAN JOURNAL ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2015,5(4)

68 Existence of positive periodic solutions for abstract evolution equations 李強,李永祥 ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 2015,135

69 Monotone iterativete chnique for second order delayed periodic problem in Banach spaces 李強,李永祥 APPL. MATH. COMPUT. 2015,270

70 Global stability of a virus dynamics model with intracellular delay and CTL immune response 李小娟,伏升茂 MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES 2015,38(3)

71 Boundedness of commutators of Marcinkiewicz integrals on nonhomogeneous metric measure spaces 逯光輝,陶雙平 JOURNAL OF FUNCTION SPACES 2015

72 The characterizations of McShane integral and Henstock integrals for fuzzy-number-valued functions with a small Riemann sum on a small set 馬沃,鞏增泰 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 2015,19(5)

73 Balance of Tate cohomology in triangulated categories 任偉,劉仲奎 APPLIED CATEGORICAL STRUCTURES 2015,23

74 Some conditional vertex connectivities of complete- transposition graphs 王國亮,師海忠,侯斐斐,白亞蘭 INFORMATION SCIENCES 2015,295

75 Positive solutions of discrete third-order boundary value problems with sign-changing Green’s function 王靜,高承華 ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 2015,56

76 A Note on Graph Proper Total Colorings with Many Distinguishing Constraints. 楊超,姚兵,任韓 INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS 2015

77 Existence of periodic solutions for impulsive evolution equations in ordered Banach spaces 張環環,李永祥,李強 ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 2015,323

78 Nontrivial solutions for Neumann boundary value problem of second order impulsive integro-differential  equations in ordered Banach spaces 張旭萍,陳鵬玉 DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS 2015, 24(4)

79 Existence of solutions for a class of nonlinear higher- order fractional differential equation with fractional nonlocal boundary condition 高亞兵,陳鵬玉 ADVAENCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 2016,314

80 Generalized differentiability for $n$-dimensional fuzzy-number-valued functions and fuzzy optimization 海射香,鞏增泰,李宏霞 INFORMATION SCIENCES 2016,374

81 Existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions for parabolic equation with nonlocal delay 李強,李永祥,陳鵬玉 KODAI MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 2016, 39(2)

82 Vanishing of Tate Homology — An Application of Stable Homology for Complexes 劉妍平,劉仲奎,楊曉燕 ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA, ENGLISH SERIES 2016,32(7)

83 Depth for triangulated categories 劉妍平,劉仲奎,楊曉燕 BULL. KOREAN MATH. SOC. 2016,53(2)

84 基于數學形态學的雙直方圖均衡化圖像增強算法 劉燕妮,張貴倉,安靜 計算機工程 2016,42(1)

85 A note on Gorenstein projective complexes 盧博,劉仲奎 TURKISH J. MATH. 2016,40(2)

86 Estimates for Parameter Littlewood-Paley $g_{lamda}^*$ Functions on Nonhomogeneous Metric Measure Spaces 逯光輝,陶雙平 JOURNAL OF FUNCTION SPACES 2016

87 Fractional type Marcinkiewicz integrals over non-homogeneous metric measure spaces 逯光輝,陶雙平 JOURNAL OF INEQUALITIES AND APPLICATIONS 2016,259

88 Non-planar unclustered Peterson graphs as scale-free models of the Internet of Things 馬飛,姚兵,姚明 IEEE CATALOG NUMBER: CFP16D86-ART 2016

89 S-shaped connected component for the fourth-order boundary value problem 王進祥,馬如雲 BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS 2016,189

90 Parameterized Littlewood-Paley Operators and Their Commutators on Herz Spaces with Variable Exponent 王麗娟,陶雙平 TURKISH J. MATH. 2016, 40

91 Connections between Various Distributions of Scale-free Network Models 王曉敏,姚兵,姚明 IEEE CATALOG NUMBER: CFP16D86-ART 2016

92 Multiplicity solutions for discrete fourth-order boundary value problem with multiple parameters 王燕霞,高承華,耿天梅 J. NONLINEAR SCI. APPL. 2016,9

93 周期為2pq的四元序列線性複雜度研究 魏萬銀,杜小妮,王國輝 計算機工程 2016,42(3)

94 A Note on Graph Proper Total Colorings with Many Distinguishing Constraints 楊超,姚兵,任韓 INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS 2016,16,6

95 Adjacent Vertex Distinguishing Total Colorings of Graphs with Four Distinguishing Constraints 楊超,姚兵,任韓 ARS COMBINATORIA 2016,127

96 Approximations and adjoints for categories of complexes of Gorenstein projective modules 楊剛,任偉 HACETTEPE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS 2016,45 (1)

97 On the Initial Value Problem of Stochastic Evolution Equations in Hilbert Spaces 張旭萍,李永祥,陳鵬玉 JOURNAL OF FUNCTION SPACES 2016

98 Gorenstein homological dimensions of modules over triangular matrix rings 朱榮民,劉仲奎,王占平 TURK. J. MATH. 2016,40

99 A New Analysis Method for Chemotaxis-Induced Instability in Multispecies Host-Parasitoid Systems 曹懷火 ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS  HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1155/2017/968501 2017

100 On preconditioned generalized shift-splitting methods for saddle point problems 曹陽,缪樹鑫,任志茹 COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, ISSN: 0898-1221 2017,74

101 Linear stochastic Schrödinger equations in terms of quantum Bernoulli noises 陳金淑,王才士 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 2017,58(5)

102 Singularity Categories with Respect to Ding Projective Modules 陳文靜,劉仲奎,楊曉燕 ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA, ENGLISH SERIES 2017,33

103 Local and global existence of mild solution to impulsive fractional semilinear integro-differential epuation with noncompact semigroup 苟海德,李寶麟 COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION 2017,42

104 Existence of mild solutions for fractional nonautonomous evolution equations of Sobolev type with delay 苟海德,李寶麟 J. INEQUAL. APPL. 2017

105 Positive steady states of a density-dependent predator- prey model with diffusion 黃凱剛,蔡永麗,饒鳳,伏升茂,王玮明 DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-SERIES B 2017, 22(11)

106 非自治Plate方程時間依賴強拉回吸引子的存在性 劉亭亭,馬巧珍 數學年刊 2017,38A(2)

107 Complete flat resolutions, Tate homology and the depth formula 劉妍平,劉仲奎,楊曉燕 KODAI MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 2017,40(1)

108 Cartan–Eilenberg Fp-Injective Complexes 盧博,劉仲奎 J. AUST. MATH. SOC.  2017,103(3)

109 Generalized Morrey Spaces over Non-homogeneous  Metric Measure Spaces 逯光輝,陶雙平 JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 2017,103(2)

110 Commutators of Littlewood-Paley $g^{*}_{/kappa}$-Functions on Non-homogeneous Metric Measure Spaces 逯光輝,陶雙平 OPEN MATHEMATICS 2017,15

111 Controlled convergence theorems for infinite dimension Henstock integrals of fuzzy valued functions based on weak equi-integrability 邵亞斌,鞏增泰,李娟 FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 2017,327

112 Existence of random attractors for weakly dissipative plate equations with memory and additive white noise 沈曉鷹,馬巧珍 COMPUTERS AND MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS 2017,73

113 Stability of traveling wavefronts for a discrete diffusive Lotka-Volterra competition system 田歌,張國寶 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 2017,447

114 Stability of nonmonotone critical traveling waves for spatially discrete reaction-diffusion equations with time delay 田歌,張國寶,楊兆星 TURKISH JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 2017,41

115 (Strongly) Gorenstein injective modules over upper triangular matrix Artin algebras 王超,楊曉燕 CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 2017,67(142)

116 Reversed S-shaped connected component for a fourth-order boundary value problem  王進祥,馬如雲 ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS ISSN: 1687-1847 2017,113

117 S-Shaped Connected Component for Nonlinear Fourth-Order Problem of Elastic Beam Equation 王進祥,馬如雲,溫瑾 JOURNAL OF FUNCTION SPACES ISSN: 2314-8896 2017

118 On a fourth order boundary value problem at resonance 徐嫚,馬如雲 JOURNAL OF FUNCTION SPACES ISSN: 2314-8896 2017

119 On the vertex-distinguishing proper total colorings of complete p-partite graphs with equipotent parts 楊芳,陳祥恩,馬春燕 ARS COMBINATORIA 2017,134

120 Regularization solutions of ill-posed Helmholtz-type equations with fuzzy mixed boundary value 楊宏,鞏增泰 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 2017,22(7)

121 Weak Estimates of Singular Integrals with Variable Kernel and Fractional Differentiation on  Morrey-Herz Spaces 楊沿奇,陶雙平 JOURNAL OF FUNCTION SPACES 2017

122 Stability of non-monotone non-critical    traveling waves in disctete reaction-diffusion equations with time delay 楊兆星,張國寶,田歌,Zhaosheng Feng DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-SERIES S 2017,10

123 Global Attractors of the Extensible Plate Equations with Nonlinear Damping and Memory 姚曉斌,馬巧珍 JOURNAL OF FUNCTION SPACES 2017

124 Global Attractors For A Kirchhoff Type Plate Equation With Memory 姚曉斌,馬巧珍,徐玲 KODAI MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 2017,40

125 Special properties of the ring Sn(R) 張萬儒,劉仲奎 J. ALGEBRA APPL.  2017,16(11)

126 Existence of solutions for delay evolution equations with nonlocal conditions 張旭萍,李永祥 OPEN MATHEMATICS 2017, 15

127 Existence of extremal mild solutions for the initial value problem of evolution equations with non-instantaneous impulses 張旭萍,李永祥,陳鵬玉 JOURNAL OF FIXED POINT THEORY AND APPLICATIONS 2017, 19(4)

128 Strong global attractors for nonclassical diffusion equation with fading memory 張玉寶,汪璇,高承華 ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 2017,163

