


 報告題目:Constructions of Frobenius pairs in abelian categories

 報告摘要:In this talk, I will describe how to extend Frobenius pairs in the category of modules to other important abelian categories, such as the category of complexes of modules, the category of module-valued representations of left rooted quivers, and the category of modules over formal triangular matrix rings. As applications, some more examples of Frobenius pairs are given. This is a joint work with Li Liang.



 邀 請 人:劉仲奎教授



  楊剛,蘭州交通大學教授,碩士研究生導師,美國數學會《數學評論》(Math Review)評論員。2010年于77779193永利獲理學博士學位,主要研究方向為同調代數理論,已在《Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society》《Journal of Algebra》、《Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series)》《Communications in Algebra》等國内外期刊上發表論文30多篇。主持完成省部級以上科研項目5項,現主持國家自然科學基金項目1項,蘭州交通大學百名青年優秀人才培養計劃(科研型)項目1項。先後獲甘肅省高等學校科技進步獎4次,獲蘭州交通大學優秀研究生任課教師、科研新秀和科研先進個人等榮譽。
