


報告題目Quasi-clean rings and strongly quasi-clean rings

報告摘要An element a of a ring R is called a quasi-idempotent if a2 = ka for some central unit k of R, or equivalently, a = ke, where k is a central unit and e is an idempotent of R. A ring R is called a quasi-Boolean ring if every element of R is quasi-idempotent. A ring R is called (strongly) quasi-clean if each of its elements is a sum of a quasi-idempotent and a unit (that commute). These rings are shown to be a natural generalization of the clean rings and strongly clean rings. An extensive study of (strongly) quasi-clean rings is conducted. The abundant examples of (strongly) quasi-clean rings state that the class of (strongly) quasi-clean rings is very larger than the class of (strongly) clean rings. We prove that an indecomposable commutative semilocal ring is quasi-clean if and only if it is local or R has no image isomorphic to Z2. For an indecomposable commutative semilocal ring R with at least two maximal ideals, Mn(R)(n≥2) is strongly quasi-clean if and only if Mn(R) is quasi-clean if and only if min{R/m, m is a maximal ideal of R}>n+1. For a prime p and a positive integer n≥2, Mn(Z(p)) is strongly quasi-clean if and only if p > n. Some open questions are also posed.


報告地點騰訊會議号 601226687

邀 請 人喬虎生



