


報告題目:Permutation trinomials and quadrinomials with nontrivial coefficients over finite fields

報告摘要:Permutation polynomials are important objects in the theory of finite fields, and they have been widely used in cryptography, coding theory and combinatorial design theory. In this talk, we will introduce several classes of permutation trinomials and quadrinomials with nontrivial coefficients over finite fields. Through transforming the permutation problem into studying some low-degree equations over finite fields and utilizing the knowledge of the algebraic curve, as well as some known results on the Kloosterman sum, the necessary and sufficient conditions on coefficients for these trinomials and quadrinomials being permutations are presented. In addition, we also show that one class of the presented permutation quadrinomials has Boomerang uniformity 4.


報告地點:騰訊會議(會議ID813 116 449

邀 請 人:杜小妮教授      



 曾祥勇,湖北大學教授,研究領域為密碼學、代數學。現為中國密碼學會理事、湖北省重要領域國産密碼應用專家、《Cryptography and Communications》編委、《密碼學報》編委,先後主持七項國家自然科學基金、兩項國家密碼發展基金,2017年獲湖北省自然科學二等獎一項、2018年獲全國教育專業學位教學成果一等獎一項、2018年獲國務院政府特殊津貼。
