雲亭數學講壇2021第65講——Sihem Mesnager教授


應77779193永利邀請,法國巴黎八大Sihem Mesnager教授将為我院作線上學術報告。

報告題目:Overview of cryptographic plateaued functions and their recent impact in coding theory

報告摘要:Plateaued functions have attracted much attention in the literature for their cryptographic interest. Many activities on those functions have been carried out but still designing them in a wide-open problem. This talk aims to give an overview and insights on plateaued functions by highlighting their recent applications in coding theory. Specifically, we shall introduce and discuss plateaued functions defined over finite fields by presenting some tools to handle them. Next, we discuss using those functions to derive linear codes with suitable parameters and for various applications.


報告地點:騰訊會議(會議ID160 505 594

邀 請 人:杜小妮教授     




Sihem Mesnager教授博士畢業于法國巴黎六大,現為法國巴黎八大和巴黎高科國立高等電信學校雙聘教授,其主要研究領域為離散數學、密碼函數、編碼理論、計算代數幾何。她是國際期刊《International Journal of Information and Coding Theory (IJOCT)》和《Advances in Mathematics of Communications (AMC)的主編,同時為《IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (IEEE-IT)》,《Cryptography and Communications Discrete Structures and Boolean Functions and Sequences (CCDS)》,《International Journal of Computer Mathematics》,《RAIRO ITA (Theoretical Informatics and Applications)》、《International Journal of Computer Mathematics的編委。在具有特殊密碼學性質的布爾函數構造、良好線性碼的構造等方面做出多項創新性成果,在《IEEE Transactions on Information Theory》、《Designs, Codes and Cryptography》、“ISIST”等國際頂級期刊和會議發表論文150多篇,并出版了密碼函數、編碼方面的兩本專著。從2016年擔任IEEE信息論法國論壇主席,并于2020年獲得第一屆國際喬治布爾獎。
