


報告題目:On the differential spectrum of a power mapping over finite fields

報告摘要:Let n be a positive integer and p a prime.Thepower mapping  x^{p^n-3} over F_{p^n} has desirable differential properties, and a bound for its differential uniformity was given by Helleseth, Rong and Sandberg in 1999. In this talk, we will introduce how to compute the differential spectrum of this mapping. More precisely, for any odd prime p, by investigating certain quadratic character sums and some equations over F_{p^n}, we determine the differential spectrum of x^{p^n-3} with a unified approach. The obtained result shows that for any given odd prime p, the differential spectrum can be expressed explicitly in terms of n. Compared with previous results, a special elliptic curve over F_{p^n} plays an important role in our computation for the general case p5. This completely settles a question left open by Helleseth, Rong and Sandberg in 1999.

報告時間:20225 4 日(星期三) 下午3 : 00 


邀 請 人:王彥平 博士




       夏永波,男,教授,碩士生導師。20096月畢業于湖北大學數學系,獲理學博士學位;20139月至20149月,受留學基金委資助,赴挪威卑爾根大學訪學,合作導師為IEEE Fellow、挪威科學院院士Tor Helleseth教授。目前的研究興趣為:無線通信中的序列設計、編碼和密碼學;講授的主要課程有:數學分析(本科),高等數學(本科),線性代數(本科),代數學引論(研究生),編碼理論導論(研究生)等。主持國家自然科學基金項目3項(面上2項,青年1項),湖北省自然科學基金2項,國家民委高等教育教學改革研究項目1項;在《IEEE Transactions on Information Theory》、《Finite Fields and Their Applications》、《Cryptography and Communications》、《Science China Mathematics》等期刊上發表論文30餘篇。曾獲2018年湖北省自然科學獎二等獎(排名2)、2019年國家民委教學成果二等獎(排名1)、2018年湖北省教學成果獎三等獎(排名3),2019年入選國家民委青年教學标兵,2020年入選國家民委中青年英才。
