


報告題目:Two new families of quadratic APN functions

報告摘要:In this talk, we will introduce two new families of APN functions. The first family is in bivariate form (x^3+xy^2+y^3+xy, x^5+x^4y+y^5+xy+x^2y^2). It is obtained by adding a special term to a known family of APN functions. The second family has the form L(z)^{2^m+1}+vz^{2^m+1} over F_{2^{3m}}, which generalizes a family of APN functions by Bracken et al. from 2011. In addition, the two new families cover two known sporadic APN instances over F_{2^8} and F_{2^9}, which were found by Edel and Pott in 2009 and by Beierle and Leander in 2021, respectively.

報告時間:202262 日(星期四) 上午10 : 30

報告地點:騰訊會議 (ID331-586-901)

邀 請 人王彥平 博士



 李康荃,國防科技大學副教授。2021年在國防科技大學獲理學博士學位。研究方向為編碼密碼理論及其應用,以第一作者在《IEEE Transactions on Information Theory》、《Designs, Codes and Cryptography》、《Finite Fields and Their Applications》等國際學術期刊上發表SCI論文13篇,1篇進入ESI引用前1%。主持國防科技大學科研計劃項目1項,參與國家自然科學基金面上項目2項。
