雲亭數學講壇2022第80講—— 田茂再教授



報告題目:Censored Quantile Transformation Models and Its


報告摘要:Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive disease that starts from mild cognitive impairment and may finally lead to memory loss. Therefore, it is critical to explore the risk factors for the conversion time to AD. However, previous studies in this context mainly focus on modeling single functional covariate, leaving out many important information. In our motivating AD data, both the left and right hippocampal radial distance curves are potentially significant, but they are correlated with each other, which may cause serious multicollinearity in the regression. Thus, we propose a multivariate functional censored quantile regression model based on the Box-Cox transformation to analyze the right-censored data. The multiple functional predictors are jointly handled by the multivariate functional principal component analysis. By introducing dynamic power transformations, the proposed method relaxes the global linear assumption imposed by many existing studies and enjoys more flexibility in the framework of censored quantile regression. Based on the martingale theory, uniform consistency and weak convergence are established as a process of quantile levels. Simulation studies demonstrate the outperformance of the proposed method. Real data analysis shows the importance of both left and right hippocampal radial distance curves for predicting the conversion time to AD in different quantile levels. Supplementary materials for this talk are available online.


報告地點:騰訊會議号 (371267370)

邀 請 人:田玉柱副教授 肖鴻民教授



 田茂再,二級教授,博士研究生導師。他先後在中國科學院、加拿大艾伯塔大學、卡爾加裡大學、香港中文大學、香港浸會大學、澳大利亞墨爾本大學做過6個博士後,是德國洪堡大學SFB 649 FELLOW重大科研項目中方首席科學家,是美國耶魯大學、哥倫比亞大學、英國曼徹斯特大學、布魯奈爾大學、日本東京大學以及意大利佛羅倫薩大學的高級訪問教授,曾經入選新疆醫科大學高層次人才、新世紀優秀人才、甘肅省“飛天學者”和蘭州财經大學“興隆學者”特聘教授、新疆維吾爾自治區“天山學者”特聘教授,中國人民大學首批傑出學者,新疆維吾爾自治區“天池學者”特聘教授,以及中國人民大學應用統計科學研究中心研究員。他先後主持省部級、國家級項目40項左右,在國内外的重要學術刊物上發表近300篇頗具影響的文章,著書15部,獲省部級及以上獎勵10餘項。他的科研業績重點是複雜大數據的統計建模理論,這些研究成果産生了大量的後續他人跟蹤研究,極大地推動了統計學科的進步,并影響了其他相關學科的發展,在實踐領域發揮着重要作用,其創新程度高,在國際上得到了同行專家的廣泛認可。其學術兼職30餘個,包括中國概率統計學會理事,國際生物統計學會中國分會 (IBS-China) 常務理事,中國現場統計研究會高維數據統計分會常務理事,國家自然科學基金同行評議專家,國家社會科學基金同行評議專家,英國皇家統計學會(JRSS)等國際國内近百家學術期刊審稿人,美國數學會的著名雜志《數學評論》(Mathematical Reviews)評論員。
