


報告題目On three types of L-fuzzy covering-based rough sets

報告摘要In this talk, we mainly introduce three types of L-fuzzy covering-based rough set models and study the axiomatic characterizations, matrix representations and interdependency of their rough approximation operators. Firstly, we propose three pairs of L-fuzzy covering-based rough approximation operators by constructing the notions such as \beta-subsethood degree and \beta-degree of intersection. And then, three pairs of the axiomatic characterizations about L-fuzzy \beta-covering-based rough approximation operators are investigated, respectively. In the meantime, we verify the independence of each axiom set. Thirdly, we give the matrix representations of three pairs of L-fuzzy \beta-covering-based rough approximation operators for efficient calculation of the lower and upper approximation operators through operations on matrices. Finally, the interdependency of three pairs of rough approximation operators based on L-fuzzy \beta-covering is explored in light of reducible elements and independent elements. Meanwhile, we present the necessary and sufficient conditions under which two L-fuzzy \beta-coverings can generate the same lower and upper rough approximation operations.



邀 請 人:喬軍勝 雲亭教授



楊斌,19899月生,甘肅天水人,博士,西北農林科技大學理學院副教授,博士生導師。現任中國邏輯學會非經典邏輯與計算專委會常務委員,中國人工智能學會粒計算與知識發現專業委員會委員,中國人工智能學會人工智能基礎專業委員會通訊委員,中國系統工程學會會員,中國計算機學會會員,陝西省數學會青年工作委員會委員,教育部學位中心評審專家,SCI檢索國際期刊《Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems》副主編(AE),國際期刊《Journal of Advanced Studies in Topology》編委。主要研究方向為:智能決策方法、涉農金融大數據分析與建模、不完備數據優化方法。近年來,在《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》,《Information Sciences》,《Applied Soft Computing,Artificial Intelligence Review, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning》等多個國際高水平期刊發表學術論文30餘篇。現主持國家自然科學基金青年項目1項,中央高校基本科研業務經費3項,陝西省引進國内博士專項項目1項。


