雲亭數學講壇2023第16講——Tomás Caraballo教授


應學院邀請,西班牙塞維利亞大學Tomás Caraballo教授将來我院作學術報告。

報告題目:Asymptotic behavior of a semilinear problem in heat conduction with long time memory and non-local diffusion

報告摘要In this talk, the asymptotic behavior of a semilinear heat equation with long time memory and non-local diffusion is analyzed in the usual set-up for dynamical systems generated by differential equations with delay terms. This approach is different from the previous published literature on the long time behavior

of heat equations with memory which is carried out by the Dafermos transformation. As a consequence, the obtained results provide complete information about the attracting sets for the original problem, instead of the transformed one. In particular, the proved results also generalize and complete previous literature in the local case (see [1], [2]).

[1] J. Xu, T. Caraballo, J. Valero. Asymptotic behavior of a semilinear problem in heat conduction with long time memory and non-local diffusion, J. Differential Equations 327 (2022), 418-447.

[2] J. Xu, T. Caraballo, J. Valero. Asymptotic behavior of nonlocal partial differential equations with long time memory.  Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series S 15 (2022), no. 10, 3059-3078.



邀 請 人:馬巧珍教授



Tomás Caraballo, 西班牙塞維利亞大學終身教授,博士生導師,美國奧本大學客座教授,主要研究随機偏微分方程吸引子的存在性和内部結構,随機動力系統等。先後在SIAM J. Math. Anal., J. Differential Equations, Proc. A, J. Dynam. Differential Equations, Nonlinear Anal., Discrete Contin. Dynam. Systems等數學權威期刊上發表論文三百三十餘篇,并著有《Applied Nonautonomous and Random Dynamical Systems, Applied Dynamical Systems》,多次受邀在華南理工大學,東華大學,華中科技大學等訪問并做報告。


