

孫晉易,男,漢族,19891出生,中黨員,教授,碩士研究生導師,曾任77779193永利副院長,現任77779193永利科學研究院副院長,美國數學會《Mathematical Reviews評論員20166月于中山大學獲得理學博士學位,同年7月入職77779193永利任教至今。20197月至20216月在北京應用物理與計算數學研究所從事博士後研究工作,合作導師郭柏靈院士、韓永前研究員。研究方向為偏微分方程,現主要從事流體力學方程和色散方程的數學理論研究,在《J. Differential Equations》、《J. Dynam. Differential Equations》、《Sci. China Math.》、《Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.》、《Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl.》等SCI刊物上發表學術論文20篇。現主持在研甘肅省傑出青年基金項目1國家自然科學基金地區科學基金項目1參與在研國家自然科學基金地區科學基金項目1甘肅省基礎研究創新群體項目1主持完成國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目1中國博士後科學基金面上資助1甘肅省自然科學基金青年項目1甘肅省高等學校創新能力提升計劃項目177779193永利青年教師科研能力提升計劃項目2參與完成國家自然科學基金項目3主持77779193永利教學改革項目1項。2023年榮獲77779193永利第五屆“青年教師教學科研之星”稱号。


址: 甘肅省蘭州市安甯區安甯東路967号  郵編:730070       

辦公地點: 77779193永利緻勤樓B408室                 

E-mail: sunjinyi333@163.com




3. 2021.01-2023.12,主持國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目“幾類地球物理流體力學方程組的适定性和奇異極限問題”,編号:12001435

4. 2019.11-2021.06,主持中國博士後科學基金面上資助旋轉流體的極限問題”,編号:2019M660555

5. 2019.07-2021.06,主持甘肅省高等學校創新能力提升項目“時間分數階三維Navier-Stokes-Coriolis方程最佳适定性及解的性态研究”,編号:2019A-011

6. 2018.07-2020.06,主持甘肅省自然科學基金青年科技基金計劃“三維軸對稱Chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes方程組的整體适定性”,編号:18JR3RA102

7. 2019.01-2020.12,主持77779193永利青年教師科研能力提升計劃項目國家自然科學基金培育項目“地球物理流體力學方程組的整體适定性和不适定性”,編号:NWNU-LKQN-18-15

8. 2018.01-2020.12,主持77779193永利青年教師科研能力提升計劃項目一般項目“地球物理學中三維Primitive 方程的全局适定性”,編号:NWNU-LKQN-17-11

9. 2024.09-2027.08,參與甘肅省基礎研究創新群體項目,編号:24JRRA778

10. 2023.01-2026.12,參國家自然科學基金地區科學基金項目時滞非局部擴散系統的傳播動力學,編号:12261081

11. 2018.01-2020.12,參國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目“(廣義)鞍點問題的擾動分析及求解”,編号:11701458

12. 2016.01-2019.12國家自然科學基金面上項目“應用偏微分方程的若幹問題”,編号:11571381

13. 2013.01-2016.12國家自然科學基金地區科學基金項目“非線性微分方程的單側全局分歧和結點解”,編号:11261052.




郭柏靈劉男孫晉易遊淑軍. 高階KdV方程組及其怪波解. 北京:科學出版社,20223


[1] JinyiSun*,ChunlanLiu, MinghuaYang, Global existence for three-dimensional time-fractional Boussinesq-Coriolis equations, Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal., 27(2024), no. 4, 1759-1778.

[2]Minghua Yang, Siming Huang, Jinyi Sun*, Global zero-relaxation limit problem of the electro-diffusion model arising in electro-hydrodynamics, Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser., 40 (2024), no. 1, 241-268.

[3] Nan Liu*, Jinyi Sun, JiaDong Yu, Inverse Scattering and Soliton Dynamics for the mixed Chen-Lee-Liu Derivative nonlinear Schrodinger Equation, Appl. Math. Lett., 152(2024), 109029.

[4] Minghua Yang, Jinyi Sun, Zunwei Fu*, Zheng Wang, The singular convergence of a chemotaxis-fluid system modeling coral fertilization, Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B (Engl. Ed.), 43 (2023), no. 2, 492-504.

[5]Jinyi Sun*, Lingjuan Zou, Global Well-Posedness of the Dissipative Quasi-Geostrophic Equation with Dispersive Forcing, Axioms, 2022, 11(12), 1-13.

[6] Jinyi Sun, Zunwei Fu*, Yue Yin, Minghua Yang, Global existence and Gevrey regularity to the Navier-Stokes-Nernst-Planck-Poisson system in critical Besov-Morrey spaces, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 26(2021), no. 6, 3409-3425.

[7] Jinyi Sun*, Chunlan Liu, Minghua Yang, Global solutions to 3D rotating Boussinesq equations in Besov spaces, J. Dynam. Differential Equations, 32 (2020), no. 2, 589-603.

[8Jinyi Sun*, Boling Guo, Minghua Yang, Sharp dispersive estimates for an anisotropic linear operator group, Appl. Math. Lett., 103(2020), 106212, 6 pp.

[9] Jinyi Sun*, Shangbin Cui, Sharp well-posedness and ill-posedness of the three-dimensional primitive equations of geophysics in Fourier-Besov spaces, Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl., 48(2019), 445-465.

[10] Minghua Yang, Zunwei Fu*, Jinyi Sun, Existence and large time behavior to coupled chemotaxis fluid equations in Besov-Morrey spaces, J. Differential Equations, 266(2019), no. 9, 5867-5894.

[11] Jinyi Sun*, Minghua Yang, Shangbin Cui,Existence and analyticity of mild solutions for the 3D rotating Navier-Stokes equations, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., 196 (2017), no. 4, 1203-1229.

[12] Minghua Yang, Jinyi Sun*, Gevrey class regularity of solutions to the Nernst-Planck-Poisson equations with generalized dissipation, Appl. Anal., 96 (2017), no. 11, 1799-1829.

[13] Minghua Yang, Jinyi Sun*, Gevrey regularity and existence of Navier-Stokes-Nernst-Planck-Poisson system in critical Besov spaces, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal., 16 (2017), no. 5, 1617-1639.

[14] Minghua Yang, Zunwei Fu*, Jinyi Sun, Existence and Gevrey regularity for a two-species chemotaxis system in homogeneous Besov spaces, Sci. China Math., 60 (2017), no. 10, 1837-1856.

[15] Minghua Yang*, Jinyi Sun, Spatial analyticity of solutions to Keller-Segel equation of parabolic-elliptic type, Results Math.,72 (2017), no. 4, 1653-1681.




