


         陳文靜,女,漢族,1989年生,中共黨員,甘肅天水人。2018年于77779193永利獲得理學博士學位,師從劉仲奎教授。研究方向為同調代數和交換代數,主要從事模型結構、粘合、維數理論以及同倫範疇理論的研究。現為77779193永利副教授、碩士生導師。在《Communications in Algebra》、《Journal of Algebra and its Applications》、《Acta Mathematica SinicaEnglish Series)》等SCI期刊上發表學術論文十餘篇。現主持國家自然科學基金地區基金項目1項。主持完成國家自然科學基金青年基金項目1項,省科技計劃青年基金項目1項,甘肅省高等學校創新能力提升項目1項,77779193永利青年教師科研能力提升計劃項目1項。獲甘肅省自然科學獎三等獎(排名第3)。入選77779193永利第五屆“青年教師教學科研之星資助計劃”。獲77779193永利青年教師教學創新大賽一、二等獎。主要講授本科生課程《高等代數》、《近世代數》、《線性代數》、《高等數學》,研究生課程《相對同調代數》、《三角範疇和導出範疇》。


地    址: 甘肅省蘭州市安甯區安甯東路967号  郵編:730070           

辦公地點: 77779193永利緻勤樓B110室                                   

E-mail: chenwj@nwnu.edu.cn   







[6]參與國家自然科學基金青年基金項目:三角範疇中的silting 理論(11601433)起止年月:2017.01--2019.12(排名第3);

[7]參與國家自然科學基金地區基金項目:微分分次範疇中的morita 理論(11761060)起止年月:2018.01--2020.12(排名第5)。














[1] Chen Wenjing, Gorenstein (L,A)-flat dimension of complexes and relative singularity categories, Journal of Algebra and Its Application, 2023, https://doi.org/1


[2] Chen Wenjing and Liu Zhongkui, Model structures, recollements and duality pairs, Journal of Algebra and Its Application, 2023, 20: 2350017 (34 pages).

[3] Chen Wenjing, Li Ling and Rao yanping, Model structures and recollements induced by duality pairs, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2023, 60: 405-423.

[4] Chen Wenjing, Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, The derived category with respect to G(X ), Science China Mathematics, Chinese Series, 2020, 50: 979-988.

[5] Chen Wenjing, Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, A new method to construct model structures from a cotorsion pair, Communications in algebra, 2019, 47: 4420-4431.

[6] Chen Wenjing, Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, Compactly generated triangulated subcategories of homotopy categories induced by cotorsion pairs, Journal of Algebra and Its Application, 2018, 17: 1850180 (14 pages).

[7] Chen Wenjing, Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, Recollements associated to cotorsion pairs, Journal of Algebra and Its Application, 2018, 17: 1850141 (15 pages).

[8] Chen Wenjing, Liu Zhongkui and Yang Xiaoyan, Singularity categories with respect to Ding projective modules, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2017, 33: 793-806.

[9] Rao yanping, Liu Zhongkui, Yang Xiaoyan and Chen Wenjing, Depth and width for unbounded DG-modules, Algebra Colloquium, 2023, 30: 61-72.

[10] Yang Xiaoyan and Chen Wenjing, Relative homological dimensions and Tate cohomology of complexes with respect to cotorsion pairs, Communications in Algebra, 2017, 45: 2875-2888.
