

   劉榮漢族,甘肅天水19903月出生,中共黨員,講師,碩士研究生導師。20226畢業于廈門大學,獲得理學博士學位,師從伍火熊教授,同年7月入職77779193永利。研究方向為調和分析,現主要從事混合徑角函數空間與粗糙核算子理論的研究,在《Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.》、《Forum Math.》、《Math. Nachr.》、《Acta Math. Sci. Ser.》等國内外期刊發表多篇SCI論文。自20214月起,擔任美國數學會Mathematical Reviews評論員,評論号:156878


址:甘肅省蘭州市安甯區安甯東路967    郵編:730070


Email: rhliu@nwnu.edu.cnliuronghuimath@126.com.








[7]77779193永利青年教師科研能力提升計劃一般項目“Hardy 型算子在混合徑角型函數空間上的映射性質研究”,項目編号:NWNU-LKQN2023-15,研究期限:2023.7--2025.12在研,主持



[1] R. Liu, S. Tao and H. Wu. Characterizations of the mixed radial-angular central Campanato space via the commutators of Hardy type, Forum Math., 35(5) 2023, 1327–1346.

[2] R. Liu and H. Wu. Mixed radial-angular integrability for rough maximal singular integrals and Marcinkiewicz integrals with mixed homogeneity, Math. Nachr., 296 (7) 2023, 2942–2957.

[3] R. Liu and S. Tao. Mixed radial-angular integrabilities for Hardy type operators,Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 60 (5) 2023, 1409–1425.

[4]R. Liu and S. He. A characterization of the mixed radial-angular λ-central bounded mean oscillation spaces, J. Math. Res. Appl.,43(6) 2023, 681-690.

[5] R. Liuand H. Wu. Rough singular integrals and maximal operator with radial-angular integrability, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 150(3) 2022, 1141–1151.

[6] R. Liu, F. Liu and H. Wu. On the mixed radial-angular integrability of Marcinkiewicz integrals with rough kernels, Acta Math. Sci. Ser., 41B(1) 2021, 241–256.

[7] R. Liu and H. Wu. Weighted -boundedness of singular integrals with rough kernel associated to surfaces, J. Korean Math. Soc., 58 (1) 2021, 69–90.

[8] R. Liu. Mixed radial-angular integrability for rough maximal operators, J. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl., 12 (3) 2021, 1–17.

[9] R. Liu, F. Liu, H. Wu and Q. Xue. Marcinkiewicz integrals with rough kernels along real-analytic submanifolds, Acta Math. Sin. (Chin. Ser.), 64(4) 2021, 687–704.

[10] F. Liu, R. Liu and H. Wu. Weighted estimates for rough singular integrals with applications to angular integrability, II, Math. Inequal. Appl., 23 (1) 2020, 393–418.

[11] R. Liu, F. Liu and H. Wu. Mixed radial-angular integrability for rough singular integrals and maximal operators, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 148(9) 2020, 3943–3956.

[12] R. Liu and J. Zhou. Sharp estimates for the p-adic Hardy type operators on higher-dimensional product spaces, J. Inequal. Appl., 219(2017) 2017, 1–13.

[13] R. Liu and J. Zhou. Weighted multilinear p-adic Hardy operators and commutators, Open Math., 15(1) 2017, 1623–1634.



